May 13, 2013

"IKEA hack" kitchen island

Since moving into my flat (almost three years ago) I've been desperately longing for a kitchen renovation, as the approx. 50cm wide kitchen counter has set major challenges for baking. My dining room table previously placed in the kitchen has doubled as extra counter space, but being so low it wasn't the ideal work surface either. In addition, the storage space in my tiny little kitchen was starting to run out due to the number of accumulated cake tins and other supplies.

Because of my current budget (and the possibility of an impending pipe renovation) an entire kitchen renovation was out of the question, and so the solution came in the form of a DIY kitchen island. Luckily my living room is big enough to accommodate the dining table, so no radical changes were needed.

kitchen before

Of course I wanted to make the kitchen island as cheaply as possible (still fitting to my needs), so a large part of it came from Ikea.

The frame of this kitchen island consists of two EXPEDIT 2x2 shelving units which were attached together with two made-to-measure furniture boards (bottom and top). Work surface is Ikea's (sawed in half and re-glued) NUMERÄR beech, and there are four locking furniture wheels underneath the unit.

I did notice that even when made cheaply, a kitchen island is quite expensive, but if the other option is to renovate the entire kitchen, it's definitely worth the investment!

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