November 20, 2012

Chocolaty chocolate cake

This chocolaty chocolate cake was a practice over all. The purpose of this cake was to find the perfect chocolate filling to an upcoming order, and also practise some piping skills.

The base of the cake is Kinuskikissa's chocolate cake (available only in Finnish), with an added ingredient of almond crocant (which made the base very sticky, and perhaps half of the amount would have been sufficient). The base turned out to be quite dry, and we'll see if even after moistening it will be possible to slice through with simply a cake server.

For the filling of this cake I used (also Kinuskikissa's) chocolate filling with slight modifications. Instead of the 'whipping cream' I used the (unopened and still usable) double cream left over from the father's day cake, and instead of the vanilla quark product (which is actually closer to a cream cheese than quark), I used vanilla flavoured quark (the cheap kind), which I tossed in the whole pot (150g) because I had less cream (2 dl) than in the original recipe. We'll see if the result will be too sour and 'quarky'.

Because this was a practice version, I didn't want to waste expensive sugar fondant, so I decided to cover the rather rough looking cake with simply mocca butter cream (which is basically the same as in the chocolate-caramel Halloween cake, but instead of daim hot chocolate powder I used dark hot chocolate powder and instead of milk I used cold coffee (and the result is yummy!)). Because this was a practice I also decided to practise different piping techniques while I had the chance.

The basket technique on the side of the cake I really rushed, and it shows :)
And those roses still need practice (and the right consistency of butter cream).

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